
Hidradenitis suppurativa

What is hidradenitis suppurativa (HS)?

Hidradenitis Suppurativa is a chronic systematic inflammatory condition that is characterized by shallow lumps and abscesses located mainly in the Intertriginous areas such as the groin, axilla, skinfolds of the breasts, and genital regions. These lumps form when deep tissue areas become inflamed due to high concentrations of fluids excreting from the apocrine sweat glands. Over time, these lumps may become infected and cause these lumps to tunnel under the skin.

While there is no exact known cause for HS, it is known to occur when hair follicles or sweat glands become clogged and inflamed due to abnormal cell growth. Factors such as genetics, smoking, and obesity can attribute to developing HS.

All over / widespread, Armpit, Genitalia, Groin

There is no cure for HS at this time but there are treatment options that help manage symptoms and flare ups.

What are the stages of Hidradenitis Suppurativa?

The stages of Hidradenitis Suppurativa are classified by Hurley’s three-stage system.


In the beginning stage of HS, patients may have one or more abscess, but they are not linked together like in the later stages of this condition, and at this point there is no scarring present.


When the patients abscesses start to pop up regularly, the abscesses tend to tunnel under the skin and connect with each other. This is known as sinus tract formation.

 At this stage of HS, patients may experience the inability to move normally as sinus tract formation is extremely painful.

Hurley Stage Three

This stage of HS consists of the tunneled, connected abscesses covering large sections of the body. At this point, the sinus tracts become infected and cause extreme inflammation.

Hidradenitis Suppurativa treatment

In the beginning stage of HS, it may be difficult to be diagnosed. It is not a well-known condition, so most Primary Care Physicians will refer these patients to a Dermatologist, who specialize in treatment of inflammation of the skin. Doctors may prescribe antibiotics to rid of the inflammation of the abscesses. During the later stages of HS, Doctors may suggest for a patient to undergo minor surgeries which consist of incising and draining the pus-filled abscesses, and sometimes even corticosteroid injections to help alleviate the pain. Some patients also undergo procedures to remove portions of the sweat glands to slow the excretion of these fluids.

Wound Dressings

Collagen wound dressings help stimulate new tissue growth while healing infected wound areas. Our special Collagen Matrix Dressings with Silver are used for the closure of multiple types of wet wounds. While not only being able to absorb up to 20 times its weight, they accelerate natural healing for over-inflamed wounds, and are made of natural materials to be absorbed by the body that also destroys infections upon re-growth of the healed area.

Click ‘Learn More’ to get more information about the benefits of Wound Care Dressings

There is no cure for HS, however there are things that may be done to help maintain and provide comfort to patients that are living with this chronic condition.

Providing Patients With Comfort

Besides the pain, patients are forced to live with the discomforts of fluids excreting from their abscesses regularly. This causes clothing and bed sheets to ruin and also gives off an unpleasant odor. Collagen dressings contain ionic silver for broad spectrum anti-microbial activity, helping to prevent infections in the areas where the abscesses form and tunneling takes place. They contain alginate and carboxymethyl cellulose and allow the dressing to absorb twenty times it’s weight in drainage. While using these dressings, patients are able to feel comfort knowing that their clothes are not being ruined by the drainage of their abscesses.

If you have been seen by a Dermatologist for your condition, and are still searching for relief, click the “Get Started” icon below and fill out our quick and easy form to get more information!

hidradenitis suppurativa support

Frequently asked questions

Immune system, genes, and environment are considered as the contributing factors but the exact causes of HS are not known yet. Most common causes of Hidradenitis Suppurativa include:

  • Bacterial Infections
  • Excessive sweating
  • Certain drugs
  • Genetic disorders changing cell structure
  • Inflammation destroying apocrine glands
  • Abnormal follicular microbiome

Till now, there is no known cure to HS but there are a few early treatments that may reduce the inflammation as well as prevent the formation of new lumps.

 Dermatologists are doctors who specialize in diagnosing and treating inflammatory skin conditions like HS.

 Although HS is not contagious but it may spread to other people as it includes not only the systematic reasons but also the environmental factors. This is why it is highly recommended to take general measures right in the initial stages of the infection.

Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) is known to have comorbidities meaning there are chances of one or more other diseases or conditions being present. Examples of comorbidities due to HS are:
  • IBS (Inflammatory Bowel Disease) – HS produces inflammation throughout the entire body which can lead to abnormal inflammation in the gut just as caused by IBS. Having a family history of HS can also lead to IBS.
  • Cardiovascular Diseases – inflammation from HS affects the lining of blood vessels, leading to cardiovascular issues.
  • Psychiatric Illness – daily life with HS can lead to constant pain, trouble sleeping, and constant fluids & infections. All of these conditions are very likely to lead to depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorders.


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